
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thank you, Precinct 25, for re-electing me as your Republican Delegate!

I appreciate your vote and am committed to represent our community at county and state conventions to the best of my ability! It's going to be an interesting few months! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sample Ballots Available! Be Prepared!

If you live in Michigan, I hope you're ready to vote in tomorrow's Primary Election.

Did you know you can look at a sample ballot online to see the candidates and issues you will be voting on in advance?

For those in my area (Rochester Hills, Precinct 25): here's the link to our ballot. 

I hope you'll please vote for me as your Precinct Representative. I am running for my fourth term and have been actively involved in the grassroots, faithfully attending county and state meetings and volunteering my time to represent your interests! I would like to continue serving.