
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In my book, character counts -- even in politics! We can discuss that in another post; but today, let's look at another important issue facing voters.

REGARDLESS of our opinions on the MOTIVES or CHARACTER of our presidential candidates, I hope as we complete our ballots this November we each give serious consideration to this question:

Are we, as a nation or as individuals, better off under Barak Obama's presidency?

Did you know FOOD STAMP usage reached a record 46.7 million people this June? I'm not slamming the program, but the statistic begs the question, "Why do more people need food stamps than ever before?"

At the same time, our NATIONAL DEBT has risen to over $136,000 per person. That's up 50 percent! The United States Treasury reported the total public outstanding debt has gone over the $16 trillion mark for the first time in our nation's history. That's up $5.4 trillion since Obama took office.

 Even Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley, considered a possible contender for president in 2016, is on record stating the American PEOPLE ARE NOT BETTER OFF today than they were four years ago.

Mitt Romney is running for president to CREATE A BETTER FUTURE!

Here are some of the highlights of his plans:
  • Create 12 million new jobs (he has the experience to do it) 
  • Gain energy independence (have you seen the price of gas?) 
  • Give citizens the skills and education they need - every child a choice and every child a chance
  • Make trade work for America with new trade agreements and consequences for cheaters. 
  • Assure every entrepreneur and job creator their investments in America won't vanish by cutting the deficit and putting America on track to a balanced budget
  • Champion small businesses 
  • Repeal and replace Obamacare 
  • No tax increases on the middle class 
  • No "talking" with dictators or "walking" from commitments -- more loyalty and backbone on issues of defense 
  • Honor American ideals instead of apologizing for them.

President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family. - Mitt Romney

Remember, my friend, we are not electing a pastor or motivational speaker. We are electing to office the person most qualified to lead our country and get this derailed train back on track to a brighter tomorrow.

Thanks for reading . . . and voting . . . and engaging in this election. Volunteer. Give. Promote. Do your part. Let's unite for the United States of America!

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